
iPAQ problem

My iPAQ (thanks Anna) is crashed due to updating OPIE to unstable version and no enough free space, when I want to reinstall Linux on it, the boot loader serial console doesn't work! Finally I found that it is the cable's bad contact, not due to damaged port on the iPAQ, and so I can reinstall it successfully.



芝士子今日終於pass18喇 雖然試左2次先得
真多好勁呀, 30根骨係唔同D...


ThizMII menu layout

Menu layout of ThizMII need to change, so that the "Up one level" button won't show in main menu, changed and repackaged, should be ok now.


Kernel 2.6.9-rc3-mm1 bug

I just compiled 2.6.9-rc3-mm1 kernel, but have a little bit USB oops, need study it later, but it just works fine now.


LSB 2.0 runtime test

Finally I have ran the LSB 2.0 runtime test on ThizMII, and only around 20 failures!
After holiday I will take a look to them carefully, hopefully ThizMII will be LSB 2.0 compliance.