Animal Crossing - UFO
玩了超過一年, 今晚終於給我擊落了 UFO, 好搞笑, 要幫隻外星"鴨"找回5塊 UFO 碎片, 佢會送野畀我! 仲話明天早上一早飛走, 唔知聽朝開機會唔會見到佢走呢!
之前我都已經射過郵差落黎了, 現在還差流星許願未試過! (其實有流星的, 但次次聽到聲就唔見左流星了)
傷風, 感冒, 咳
冇去睇醫生, 唔想畀d 藥搞到冇晒精神.
結果出了3大法寶, 而家好返8成了.
我的 3大法寶:
1.三蛇膽川貝液: 止咳, 化痰
2. 柑桔水: 治喉嚨痛, 聲沙
3. 必理痛傷風感冒素: 退燒, 治傷風, 收鼻水
冇去睇醫生, 唔想畀d 藥搞到冇晒精神.
結果出了3大法寶, 而家好返8成了.
我的 3大法寶:
1.三蛇膽川貝液: 止咳, 化痰
2. 柑桔水: 治喉嚨痛, 聲沙
3. 必理痛傷風感冒素: 退燒, 治傷風, 收鼻水
Elite Beat Agent - Perfect
今日同 Josephine, Claudia, Fu, Anita 參加中旅社搞的"長州太平清醮旅行團.
1. 8點灣仔集合, 坐專船去長州, 9點半左右到長州
2. 10點在長州參觀小長城和奇石, 行了差不多1小時
3. 我們在長州自己逛逛, 11點半食海鮮午餐
4. 12點半出發, 行了一陣找左一個位睇巡遊... 可是...
5. 2點, 巡遊開始了! 但原來我們企的位置, 巡遊不會經過, 欄起了的原因只是為救護車開路...
6. 3點半, 準備回程, 在碼頭等專船.
7. 4點半, 回程路上... 好累, 好累!
8. 5點半, 在灣仔食少少野, 再回家, 8點就返到了.
1. 8點灣仔集合, 坐專船去長州, 9點半左右到長州
2. 10點在長州參觀小長城和奇石, 行了差不多1小時
3. 我們在長州自己逛逛, 11點半食海鮮午餐
4. 12點半出發, 行了一陣找左一個位睇巡遊... 可是...
5. 2點, 巡遊開始了! 但原來我們企的位置, 巡遊不會經過, 欄起了的原因只是為救護車開路...
6. 3點半, 準備回程, 在碼頭等專船.
7. 4點半, 回程路上... 好累, 好累!
8. 5點半, 在灣仔食少少野, 再回家, 8點就返到了.
32G RAM??
麥田圈 DIY
NDS 轉軸修理 DIY
大半年前, 我的 NDS Lite 只玩了3個月就裂了轉軸, 過幾日越來越裂, 最後一開二了...
原來NDS Lite 的轉軸部分的膠是這樣的弱!!
原來NDS Lite 的轉軸部分的膠是這樣的弱!!
A day in DELL
Played with some high end machines today, including Blade server, SAN Storage.
Installed RHEL5 with virtualized guest OSes on it and do some tests.
Got some failures but I think it is mainly due to the underlying file system, or clustering
algorithm, no time to debug yet, maybe ask some experts later on.
Installed RHEL5 with virtualized guest OSes on it and do some tests.
Got some failures but I think it is mainly due to the underlying file system, or clustering
algorithm, no time to debug yet, maybe ask some experts later on.
今日母親節, 之前原本想同佢一齊去酒樓食飯, 不過後來都係唔去, 改為去尖沙咀行街, 同埋想要個新手袋.
於是今日下午就同阿妹帶阿媽去尖沙咀了, 行左海港城, 星光大道, 尖沙咀SOGO, 睇了很多名牌手袋, 當然阿媽不會買咁貴啦, 最後係在SOGO買了一個幾簡單的手袋, 好滿足.
不過似乎佢最開心的是在海港城 city super 行超市... 哈哈! 有少見的食物, 和好多在百佳惠康見唔到的古怪產品等等.
於是今日下午就同阿妹帶阿媽去尖沙咀了, 行左海港城, 星光大道, 尖沙咀SOGO, 睇了很多名牌手袋, 當然阿媽不會買咁貴啦, 最後係在SOGO買了一個幾簡單的手袋, 好滿足.
不過似乎佢最開心的是在海港城 city super 行超市... 哈哈! 有少見的食物, 和好多在百佳惠康見唔到的古怪產品等等.
My Love Will Get You Home - 溏心風暴英文歌
if you wander off too far, my love will get you home
if you follow the alone star, my love will get you home
if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home
if the bright lights blind your eyes, my love will get you home
if your troubles break your strike, my love will get you home
if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home
if you ever feel ashamed, my love will get you home
whenever is only you too blame, my love will get you home
if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home
if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home
if you follow the alone star, my love will get you home
if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home
if the bright lights blind your eyes, my love will get you home
if your troubles break your strike, my love will get you home
if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home
if you ever feel ashamed, my love will get you home
whenever is only you too blame, my love will get you home
if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home
if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home
NDS 外交
今日d人出晒去, 冇人同我食晏, 於是我就買大快活返公司食.
食飽之後去到 pantry, 有幾個隔離公司的人在討論 NDS, 其中一個更在玩 Mario Kart, 我乘機提出一齊玩, 結果就同佢地一齊玩左一輪車了, 好正.
放工經過隔離 office, 又見到佢地在打機, 我就敲門入去話一齊玩了, 玩到遲到添, 哈哈哈!
有機會要多 d 用這部可愛的 NDS 識下人, 都不錯!
食飽之後去到 pantry, 有幾個隔離公司的人在討論 NDS, 其中一個更在玩 Mario Kart, 我乘機提出一齊玩, 結果就同佢地一齊玩左一輪車了, 好正.
放工經過隔離 office, 又見到佢地在打機, 我就敲門入去話一齊玩了, 玩到遲到添, 哈哈哈!
有機會要多 d 用這部可愛的 NDS 識下人, 都不錯!
今日中學同學同朋友和我預祝生日, 晚上去了旺角的"魚米之尊"食私房菜, 詳細的菜式不寫了, 好多, 好飽!
特別的有 好似肉的齋串燒, 齋魚生, 幾辣的魚雲, 好甜的桂花糕和好"流" 的流沙壽包.
小峰有女朋友了!! 我都要努力d先得.
特別的有 好似肉的齋串燒, 齋魚生, 幾辣的魚雲, 好甜的桂花糕和好"流" 的流沙壽包.
小峰有女朋友了!! 我都要努力d先得.
Let's Wii!
今日去了 Andrew 家玩 Wii, 仲有 Wilson, 富, Ken, Angel, 第一次玩 Wii 的感覺是"正"!
試玩了 Wii sport, 第一次的 Wii, 賤兔, 龍珠, Cooking mama, Wario, 全部都玩到全身郁, 特別是 Wii sport 簡直可以keep fit!
試玩了 Wii sport, 第一次的 Wii, 賤兔, 龍珠, Cooking mama, Wario, 全部都玩到全身郁, 特別是 Wii sport 簡直可以keep fit!
FON router pppoe problem
Seems FON router's PPPoE support is not as good as I thought.
It will keep disconnecting, and even worst, the LAN connection will drop, when there is some large number of traffic, like rsync.
Searched web and find there are 2 things to deal with this problem: 1. hard reset it; 2. change the WAN cable.
I tried hard reset but the problem still here, so I tried to change the WAN cable, seems the connection is more stable now, let me do more test tonight.
It will keep disconnecting, and even worst, the LAN connection will drop, when there is some large number of traffic, like rsync.
Searched web and find there are 2 things to deal with this problem: 1. hard reset it; 2. change the WAN cable.
I tried hard reset but the problem still here, so I tried to change the WAN cable, seems the connection is more stable now, let me do more test tonight.
ASUS WL-138G V2 大成功
昨晚努力之下, 終於把這個 wireless adapter 搞定了.
原來 key 沒設定好之前, essid 定不到的! 估佢唔到!
而家不用 buffalo router 了, 只用 FON router 就 OK!
原來 key 沒設定好之前, essid 定不到的! 估佢唔到!
而家不用 buffalo router 了, 只用 FON router 就 OK!
為了我的全屋企 wireless 大計, 即係只用 FON router provide wifi 畀 NDS, iBook, Desktop, 今晚去了旺角買 wireless 卡, 格價後買了 ASUS WL-138G V2, 用 broadcom 4318 chipset, 以為 linux 的 bcm43xx 會好易搞掂, 因為我的 iBook 都係用 bcm43xx, 點知 driver 就 load 到, 又 scan 到 signal 但係就 connect 唔到 router!
之後又試了 ndiswrapper, 仲衰, connect 唔到仲要 segfault...
之後又試了 ndiswrapper, 仲衰, connect 唔到仲要 segfault...
Spiderman 3
今日勞動節假期, 去了看今日上畫的<蜘蛛俠3>, 我沒有看過第2集, 不過都可以, 因為第2集據說一般.
今集出了3個敵人, 分別是 Peter 好友 Harry 變的綠魔二世, 殺 Peter 叔叔的兇手意外變成的沙人, 和外星寄生蟲 Venom.
Venom 寄生了在 spiderman 身上, 使 spiderman 變壞, 幸好後來給擺脱了.
沙人力大無窮, 又沒固定形態, 打不死.
Harry 認定 Peter 是殺父仇人, 化身成綠魔對付 Peter/ Spiderman.
這次遇上 3個敵人, 開頭真難應付. 好在 Harry 知道父親死忘的真相, 和 Peter 聯手, 最終打敗了 Venom, 可惜 Harry 犧牲了.
沙人也給 Spiderman 打倒, 不過最後知錯了, 化成一堆沙吹走了, 應該已改過吧.
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