

最近想換過副眼鏡, 不過公司附近的舖頭太吃人了...
今日上完堂, 去了屋企附近的老舖配眼鏡.
舖內得一個人, 但間舖唔細, 仲好多好多款式.
今次選了粗的膠框, 紅黑色(又係公司 theme color?...), 幾好睇的,
再加埋膠鏡, total $860. 星期一取貨.



最近買了爽解2, 有時間就拿出來玩玩, 結果進度好慢呢!
據說到比較後的關卡要講日文, 要扮狗叫 扮貓叫, 好搞鬼, 但叫我點晌街度扮貓呀... 好尷尬呀!


Machine full of virtualization

Installed 4 guess OSes on a ML 150 machine with dual-quad-core Xeon and 8GB of memory.
Running very smooth and even the fan has no noise! Perfect for demonstration use.
The 4 OSes: RHEL4, RHEL5, Win XP, Win 2003, all running on top of RHE5!
It is really amazing, hope I can have a machine capable of this kind of action later.


Dinner with ex-ex-colleagues

地方不錯, 其實有次lunch食過.
人流又少, 可以傾計.
食物嘛, 一般啦, 不是很吸引人的那種.
一坐就坐了3個多小時, 哈哈, 耐冇見係多野講d.




第 二 型 : 助 人 型 (Helper)

顧 名 思 義 , 你 很 喜 歡 幫 人 , 而 且 主 動 , 慷 慨 大 方 ! 雖 然 你 對 別 人 的 需 要 很 敏 銳 , 但 卻 很 多 時 忽 略 了 自 己 的 需 要 。 在 你 來 說 , 滿 足 別 人 的 需 要 比 滿 足 自 己 的 需 要 更 重 要 , 所 以 你 很 少 向 人 提 出 請 求 。 這 樣 說 來 , 你 的 自 我 並 不 強 , 很 多 時 要 靠 幫 助 別 人 去 肯 定 自 己 。

IBM Notesphere To You 2007

今日要去 IBM 的 exhibition 擺 booth.
6點就起身了, 6:45出門口, 8點左右到公司, 8點半到了萬豪酒店了.
其實主要就是 IBM 的節目, 觀眾只是在節目間的小 break 時間才會來看我們的東西, 早知就不帶這麽多東西去了, 只擺一些 slides 就得.


Last day in Beijing (21/3)

Today I woke up a bit late as we are not hurry for event for the last day of the trip, we went to Beijing office at about 10am.
The Beijing office is nice, large and got many people, the people there are quite good and seems hard working.
We had lunch in the shopping mall under the office building and took some photos with the Beijing colleagues before we left. Ken cannot leave today as something suddenly need him to handle in Beijing. Poor Ken.
We left Beijing office and took taxi to airport at about 4pm.
Finally I got no time to shopping, I just bought some little gift for dad and mum in the airport duty free shop, and I type this on the plane. I am flying on the sky.

PS. I post this when I arrived home

Third day in Beijing (20/3)

Woke up quite early in the morning, as the 2nd day kick off meeting will
be started at about 9am.
The morning session is quite boring and I nearly fall asleep.
After the same buffet lunch as before, we started the afternoon session, which is about team building. Unfortunately most of the guys didn't have interest on it and most of the time they are just talking on their own, or even left the room and talk outside. I saw the trainer, a girl, was a bit disappointed.
The training finished at about 6pm and we got a quick tour guide inside the "palance-like" epoch city, the scene was really nice!
We had dinner with Taiwan colleagues and the mainland office manager in 老四川飯店, the food was not expensive but considered very high class in mainland, we got 11 people but only costed $993.
I've seen on the taxi the most famous thing in Beijing including 紫禁城, 天安門 and 長安大街, although just a glance.
This night we stay in the same hotel as the 1st night, but in upgraded rooms which is something like serviced apartment, with kitchen and living room as well!


Second day in Beijing (19/3)

Today woke up very early at about 6:45am, go down to restaurant at about 7:30 and have a very quick breakfast, not tasty but ok.
Afterward, we took bus to the camp site called "第一城", one hour from beijing office, the size is very very large, and the decoration is like 故宮, very very 豪華.
We had meeting and a quick lunch, after lunch, also meeting, until 6:30pm.
The dinner was quick good and we ate very much, the dinner finished at about 8:30pm.
I went to play badminton after a short break, very hot after playing. Now resting in room, I think I will sleep early tonight, tomorrow is a long day too!

First day in Beijing (18/3)

Arrived Beijing at 4pm with TW colleagues, it is SO COLD in Beijing.
We took taxi to hotel, the hotel is not very good but acceptable.
After settled down, we went to hot potting in 東來順, but I felt unwell and ate very little.
We went to have feet massaging after dinner, and after massaging, felt well again!
Slept at about 00:30, good day!


In airport now

PCCW and HK international airport provide free wifi access in the airport, this post is from my iBook in airport, so convinent and not too slow.
Before, waiting airport was very boring and now it is not.


Meeting with TW colleagues

Tomorrow HK office and TW office all colleagues will go Beijing, today TW colleague came Hong Kong office to visit and have meeting.
I arrived office at 8:00, the meeting started at about 8:45, we had breakfast together first, afterward, we started to have presentation, one by one, originally I want to use English as my Putonghua is very bad, but one after one, all people use Putonghua, so... haha, at least they understand what I mean, so good.
We finished meeting at about 12:30 and go IFC Isola Bar to have buffet lunch, very good taste and very good place too! At the same time it was very expensive, luckily it is paid by company.
The lunch finished at about 3pm and I went to have lesson to 5pm.
Tonight need have enough sleep and tomorrow I need to arrive airport at 10am.


Working desks




Busy week!

This week will be a very busy week due to my manager not in Hong Kong.
1. Need to return to office for meeting with mainland colleagues on saturday morning 8:30am.
2. Have a 15 minutes very short persentation during the meeting.
3. Lunch buffet after meeting.
4. Lesson after lunch.
5. Fly to Beijing at noon on sunday.
6. Arrive Beijing in the evening.
7. Have meeting from 18/3 to 21/3.
8. Back to Hong Kong at 21/3 night time.
9. Need to go IBM show in HKCEC at 8:30am.
VERY busy week...



執了大半天的屋, 好累啊!
不過執出好多陳年舊事, 小學什至幼稚園的東東都重出江湖, 好懷念.
執完之後, 屋企大了好多, 床都搬了位置, 唔知今晚會唔會訓唔慣呢?



差不多兩年幾沒有去行山了,今朝8點出門口,同阿明 Anna 去了青衣自然教育徑走走。
行程很短,大約70多分鐘就完成了! 下次可以行遠一點吧。


心理學第二話 - 家庭和性格

家中排行會影響性格, 主要是和排行有關.
最細的通常比較依賴, 因為自小受人寵愛, 照顧, 結果唔夠獨立, 但在家中是最深得人心的.
最大的會比較獨立, 照顧人, 喜歡話事, 在家中有權力, 責任也最大.
又冇權又冇勢, 仲會被忽略, 所以好易變很好或很差, 因為要令人關心自己.


Package building environment for RHEL5

To build clean packages for RHEL5, we need to use "mock" from Fedora project.
1.Get a local mirror of RHEL5 repository, for yum to get packages from, assume we placed the RPMs on /var/ftp/pub/rhel5-local/RPMS
2. Install "createrepo" and "mock" packages from Fedora.
3. Run createrepo /var/ftp/pub/rhel5-local/RPMS/, this will create a local repository.
4. Start ftp daemon and allow anonymous login, ftp root set to /var/ftp/
5. Go to /etc/mock/, copy FC6's configuration to RHEL5, and edit it to point to the local repository, and set the default symlink to RHEL5
6. Get "buildgroups" repository from Fedora project, RHEL5 version of buildgroups packages, add to local repository too.
7. Then we can use "mock init" to test for the repository, this will create a buildroot and install the base system on it.


土瓜灣天台 BBQ

今晚去阿基&Emme家拜年和BBQ(好在不是打邊爐, 這一星期已打了3次啦!), 天台好有伯宿 feel, 好正, 食物又多, 又幾好味.
又有得食又有得玩, 仲有利是, 正!



今日兩點幾出去油麻地上堂, 五點放學就坐西鐵返入屯門, 去中學的張老師家拜年.
忘了舊年為什麽沒去了, 好似約了其他人.
今年人數不多, 傾了一陣就落去酒樓打邊爐了(最近7日打了3次邊爐, 勁熱氣),
又打機又傾計, 幾好玩, 老師的仔都大學一年班了, 女兒也入小學了, 時間過得好快啊!


之後多數會去酒樓食 $7x - $9x 任食自助火鍋.
今晚同同事去了紅磡的"老坑記"打邊爐, "回歸"大排檔式的打邊爐,
好多好多平時在酒樓任食時冇得食的食物都出現了, 好正呢, 有d 見都未見過,
哈哈~ 得閑要去多d不同的地方食野.



今日第一堂去工聯會上 "活用心理學".
我好早出到去旺角, 食了一個 M 記的大餐, 之後去信和行了一陣, 以為好近油麻地, 點知原來好近官涌, 行到死死下!
到了課室, 好多人呀, 成30多人, 年紀有大有細, 幾平均的.
第一堂就有分組討論, 我係新界組, 好多人, 哈哈~
介紹一下自己, 講下自己的事, 再討論 miss 提出的問題, 輕輕鬆鬆又完了.
心理學都幾好玩! 了解自己, 了解別人.