
All things are getting more expensive



Playstation 3

今天午飯後跟老闆到188 逛,因為他想買一台 Playstation 3 回家玩(主要是GT5)和順便看 Blueray 碟。
Sales 即是 Sales,講價很利害,不過最終都只是減了十元。一台機器、一隻 GT5、一條 HDMI 共 3050 元。
還發生了小插曲,就是他的卡刷不到,結果是我刷... 欠債還錢啊,老闆...


Create a debian repository for APT

Source: http://hausheer.osola.com/docs/14
By: David Hausheer

Config files:


Create tree layout under /path/to/myrepository:


Put binary deb files into binary-i386
Put source files into source

Create archive config file under /etc/apt/apt-ftparchive.conf:

Dir {
ArchiveDir "/path/to/myrepository";

BinDirectory "dists/custom/main/binary-i386" {
Packages "dists/custom/main/binary-i386/Packages";
Contents "dists/custom/Contents-i386";
SrcPackages "dists/custom/main/source/Sources";

Tree "dists/custom" {
Sections "main";
Architectures "i386 source";

Create release config file under /etc/apt/apt-custom-release.conf:

APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin "myrepository";
APT::FTPArchive::Release::Label "myrepository";
APT::FTPArchive::Release::Suite "custom";
APT::FTPArchive::Release::Codename "custom";
APT::FTPArchive::Release::Architectures "i386 source";
APT::FTPArchive::Release::Components "main";
APT::FTPArchive::Release::Description "Custom debian packages for myrepository";

Script: /etc/apt/update-archive.sh:

apt-ftparchive generate apt-ftparchive.conf
apt-ftparchive -c apt-custom-release.conf release /path/to/myrepository/dists/custom > /path/to/myrepository/dists/custom/Release

Add repository to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb file:/path/to/myrepository/ custom main


XEPC 升級光碟 - 放到 USB 隨身碟的方法

忙了幾個星期,終於有時間研究用 USB 隨身碟來做 XEPC 升級的媒體了,下一版本的升級光碟會把需要的工具和設定都放進去,所以,下一版本的升級光碟可以直接燒錄到光碟,也可以放到 USB 隨身碟上使用。
想搶先試用的可以抓下這個一壓縮檔,到下一版就不需要做 unzip 一步。

方法如下(要有一點點 Linux 基本認識):
1. 假設已經把 XEPC 升級光碟的 ISO 檔和上面的 usb-upgrade-20080324.zip 下載了在桌機的 /root,您的檔案名字跟例子中的可能不同

2. 先把升級光碟的 ISO 檔裝載(mount)起來,如果是 Linux 的話就是用 loop mount了,用法是 mount -o loop /root/xepc.iso /mnt:

3. 裝載好以後,在 /mnt 中應該可以看到光碟的內容。

4. 把一隻已經用 VFAT/FAT32 格式化的 USB 隨身碟插進桌機,這時候應該會自動裝載在 /media 的一個目錄,這個跟你的 USB 隨身碟的 Label 有關,我例子中的是 "USB", 所以會出現在 /media/USB/,不知道的可以輸入 mount 指令看看,先記下最開頭的 /dev/xxx 名字,到後來有用的,這例子中是 /dev/sdc1 。

5. 如果在 Eee PC 上面製造這 USB 隨身碟,請先用sudo apt-get install rsync 安裝 rsync 套件,或者用 zip 檔中的 deb 包。
來用指令把 /mnt 內的所有檔案拷貝到 /media/USB 中,用 rsync -av /mnt/ /media/USB/ 指令即可:

6. 拷貝完以後,進入 /media/USB 目錄,把剛才的 zip 檔案解壓到 /media/USB/ 中,完成後可以用 ls 指令確定內容:

7. 如果在 Eee PC 上面製造這 USB 隨身碟,請先用 sudo apt-get install mtools syslinux 安裝 mtools 和 syslinux 套件,或者用 zip 檔中的 deb 包,然後就可以用 syslinux /dev/sdc1 指令把 USB 隨身碟設成可開機,用桌機 Linux 的話請用相應的方法安裝 syslinux。
(注意,如果在第2步看到的不是 /dev/sdc1, 請換成你看到的設備名字)。

8. 最後把 ISO 檔跟 USB 都卸載掉,用 umount 指令:

9. umount 完成以後,用這支 USB 隨身碟開機就可以做 XEPC.org 的大升級了。

如果是用 Windows 做的話,方法一樣,都是找工具把 升級光碟的 ISO 檔打開,把內容都拷貝到 USB 隨身碟中,然後在終端機 (cmd.exe) 中,到 USB 隨身碟的目錄底下(假設是 E:),跑 syslinux E: 指令就可以了。


Half day trip to shen zhen


店名叫“子都概念川菜”,究竟什麼叫“概念川菜”呢 ??

午餐後還是過早,所以和 Eee PC... 不,和同事們去 Starbucks 喝東西。

今天的客戶,“中國平安” 的大堂,很豪華呢。


MSN Live Messenge for Pidgin

Just found a new plugin for Pidgin on internet, msn-pecan is a re-implementation of MSN protocol, which should support a newer MSN protocol, from the website it said:

This is a fork of that code with a much faster development process.

Features include:
  • Support for personal messages
  • Server-side storage for display names (private alias)
  • Partial direct connection support
  • Improved network IO
  • Improved error handling
  • Network issues tested with netem
  • GObject usage
Now it is under testing, and see if it can be merged into pidgin package for Eee PC later.




XEPC.org 軟體庫再添一個鏡像

因為 XEPC.org 軟體庫,越來越流行,越來越多人使用,所以主站經常反應遲鈍,現在我們已經設立了2個鏡像給大家用來做 apt-get 了,
在 /etc/apt/sources.list 中除了原來的
deb http://updates.xepc.org/ p701 main
deb http://mirror.xepc.org/pub/xepc-updates/ p701 main
deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/xepcrepo/ p701 main
建議國外的用戶使用 tuxfamily.org 的鏡像。

至於重新安裝的用戶,建議使用 升級光碟

Mirroring ftp site with lftp

XEPC.org has down due to data center power supply, I found that I need to find one more place to backup my XEPC.org software repository.
I applied a project on www.tuxfamily.org and it has been approved.
But there is one difficult, it only support ftp upload, not rsync, so how can I do synchronization between my local mirror and tuxfamily mirror?
I tried gftp to upload, but as it is GUI tool, I cannot run it remotely on office machine (which is the local mirror). After researching, I found lftp has a mirror operation, which works very closed to rsync, the lftp mirror operation manual.

mirror [options] [remotedir [localdir] ]
Copy a directory exactly. The mirror command accepts the following arguments:
-c, --continue
If mirroring was interrupted, resume it.
-e, --delete
Delete local files that are not present at the remote site.
-R, --reverse
Mirror files from the local system to the remote system. With this argument, make sure that you specify the local directory first and the remote directory second. If you do not specify both directories, the second is assumed to be the same as the first. If you choose neither, the operation occurs in the current working directories.
-L, --dereference
When mirroring a link, download the file the link points to rather than just the link.
-i, --include regex
Get only the files whose names match the regular expression regex. See grep for more information about regular expressions.
-x, --exclude regex
Do not get the files whose names match regex. See grep for more information about regular expressions.
-v, --verbose=n
Set the verbose level. You can set n from 0 (no output) to 3 (full output) using a number or by repeating the v. For example, -vvv is level 3 verbose mode.
Move, rather than copy, files when mirroring.


Whats' new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2

Just tried the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.2 beta, for the server part, main improvement is virtualization part, new CPU features from AMD are supported, so a new version of hypervisor introduced for faster full virtualization.

For client part which I use most, the great improvement is the upgrading of user programs, eg. pidgin, firefox, openoffice.org are all new version instead of old old "stable" version, which is a good news to normal users.


200萬奪命奇案 (No Country For Old Men)

今天晚上跟 Gi 去了看奧斯卡 “最佳電影” 200萬奪命奇案。
不過今次這間位於九龍站 “Element“ 的 Grand cinema 真的不錯,座位舒適寬敞,音響效果十分好,人流又不多,Element 商場也給人很高尚的感覺,有點像 IFC,但缺點就是交通不是十分方便回家要先坐小巴回油麻地才有車。


10000 B.C. the movie

今天是 Josephine 畢業禮,觀禮過後,和 Johnny 跟富一起去了中環 IFC 看電影 "公元前一萬年"。


With Greater Power Comes Greater Responsibility

"With Greater Power Comes Greater Responsibility"
Heard this from the film Spiderman before.
And I found that it is very truth now, also, not just comes greater responsibility, but also comes greater pressure.
XEPC.org is getting more and more popular, but at the same time, a small mistake may be harmful to a lot of people, I have to be careful to handle the thing.

With Greater Power Comes Greater Responsibility,
With Greater Responsibilty Comes Greater Pressure.


OpenOffice.org 2.3.1 Eee PC 優化版推出

[同時發佈到 XEPC.org, XFastestmobile01]
OpenOffice.org logo
經過幾天的努力,OpenOffice.org 2.3.1 的 Eee PC 優化版 deb 包弄好了。
這個版本的 GUI 字體跟圖示都調小了,比一般在網上下載的版本適合 Eee PC 的小螢幕使用。
另外 OpenOffice.org 2.3.1 比原來的 2.0.4 跑起來還要暢順呢,安裝方法跟之前的更新一樣:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openoffice.org
注意:由於 OpenOffice.org 所佔的硬碟空間比較大,請先檢查自己的空間是否足夠,安裝之後大約 300M - 400M 左右。
另外安裝之後的 deb 包可以用 sudo apt-get clean 指令刪除。

Pidgin 2.4.0 推出了

[同時發佈到 XEPC.org, XFastestmobile01]
Pidgin logo
Pidgin 即時通訊軟體已推出 2.4.0 版本, 主要的新功能包括:
- AIM 的離線訊息支援
- 新版的 Yahoo messenger 檔案傳送支援
- 一些小臭蟲的修正
另外也加上一點小修改,使 pidgin 更適合小螢幕的 Eee PC 使用。
同時 pidgin-guifications 即時訊息彈出小視窗,都會更新成最新版本。
1. sudo apt-get update
2. sudo apt-get install pidgin pidgin-guifications

另外 pcmanfm 檔案總管的 也相應更新了,同樣地可以使用 apt-get 安裝。



今天晚上電視播的一套電影-“童夢奇緣”,故事很簡單,就是小朋友“光仔” 意外地快速長大、衰老,期間從另一個角度了解自己身邊的人和事,雖然很簡單,沒有刺激古怪的情節,但頗為感人。
尾段我還以為最後會變成老套的 “死了之後發現原來是夢” 這樣,結果沒有變回小童,就這樣老死了,幸好,死前也了解和原諒了自己的父母。