
Silly Windows License

Just got a real M$ Windows license from demo machine, which is going to be wasted, so I took it and want to install on my home desktop.
First attempt, the installation hasn't start, seems due to refresh rate of display, so, let's try on notebook first!
Installation finished within half hour, and then it started and asked for activation, OK, it is legal version, activation success within seconds.
After a while, I retry installation on desktop, this time, installation screen came up and installation finished within half hour too! But then, when it restarted, it told me that my KEY has been used "too many times"...
After a check on websites, Windows XP has added some checking on hardware to see if this computer has changed... to prevent pirate copies and keys. I will have to wait 120 days or give a phone call to M$ for updating the key to suit the "new hardware configurations".
So silly mechanism...