
How to make a customized palette for usplash

From ubuntu forum:

endersshadow November 7th, 2005, 01:03 AM

A quick HOWTO for making your own usplash in the GIMP:

1. Make a new image 640x480.

2. Go to Dialogs>Palettes and create a 16 color palette with your choice of colors and name it Ubuntu Splash. Make sure the following are in the right order (remember, index 0 is the first one):
Palette Index | Used For
0 | Background color
0 | Text background color
1 | Progress bar foreground color
2 | 'Ok' text foreground color
4 | Progress bar background color
8 | Description text foreground color
13 | 'Failed' text foreground color

3. Now that you've done that, go to Image>Mode and select Indexed. Select "Use Custom Palette" and select Ubuntu Splash.

4. Make it look how you want it to, and save it as ubuntu-artwork.png in your home directory. Taking it from there, you can start at step 3 of the original HOWTO (assuming you've installed the necessary packages). Make sure that you don't delete the original ubuntu-artwork.png if you want to keep it around!!


Edit: I figured I'd attach mine in case anybody likes a lot of dark green like I do...