又買了game - Metroid prime hunters
今晚同wendy去了灣仔買game, 佢買左 Mario Kart 同 Tetris, 我買左 Metroid Prime Pinball with rumble pack, 好明顯我係睇中個rumble pack啦! 連game只賣$130, 都幾抵, 有幾隻game 原來用左 rumble pack會幾過癮, 例如 Magnetica. 當然, 波子機都不錯!
Ubuntu 6.10
Office desktop cannot install Fedora Core 6 (don't know why, anaconda occupied 99% CPU time without any output), and luckily today is release day of Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), so I would like to give it a try.
My office desktop only got 256Mb RAM, it tooks about 10 minutes for Ubuntu live CD to boot into the GNOME desktop. And Ubuntu server seems slow and busy, so in the installation stage, which required download some langauge support packages, it tooks nearly one hour to finish.
After installation, reboot and the familiar Ubuntu screen came up, the default installation is very simliar to Fedora Core 6 but the GNOME version is 2.16.1 instead of FC6's 2.16.0, and the theme seems a bit better look than FC6.
But the default installation of Ubuntu has NO support of AIGLX, but luckily, I found the method to install the beryl and emerald packages, after some apt-get and config file tweaks, I got the latest AIGLX enabled desktop!
My office desktop only got 256Mb RAM, it tooks about 10 minutes for Ubuntu live CD to boot into the GNOME desktop. And Ubuntu server seems slow and busy, so in the installation stage, which required download some langauge support packages, it tooks nearly one hour to finish.
After installation, reboot and the familiar Ubuntu screen came up, the default installation is very simliar to Fedora Core 6 but the GNOME version is 2.16.1 instead of FC6's 2.16.0, and the theme seems a bit better look than FC6.
But the default installation of Ubuntu has NO support of AIGLX, but luckily, I found the method to install the beryl and emerald packages, after some apt-get and config file tweaks, I got the latest AIGLX enabled desktop!
World Trade Center
Fedora Core 6
Long time since last time I tried RedHat products, maybe 5 years or so.
Today (last night, to be exact) Fedora Core 6 released and I found it got some fun new features like aiglx support out of the box, and GNOME 2.16, at the same time, my iBook's SUSE 10 seems not working very fine esp. updating, so I gave fedora a try today.
First install, I set the partitions myself, but after installation it cannot bootup, i guessed it should be due to missing Apple bootstrap partition for boot loader. So I reboot it again with the installation disc, and this time I let the installation program do the partitioning itself, it setup the Apple bootstrap partition correctly and it CAN boot!
Basically, after installation, everything works except:
1. keyboard shortcut for volume control and eject disc, this need manually set in GNOME, and for brightness control, seems the system and also GNOME respond to my keystroke, that made the behavior a little bit strange, but OK, at least it works.
2. wireless network, due to missing firmware files from Airport Extreme, I got the fwcutter program from bcm43xx project and got the firmware files from Mac OS driver, it works afterwards, but NetworkManager doesn't work, seems it assume the network is unencrypted, and ignore my configuration at all.
3. Power management didn't work, under SELinux, some files has protection and even the system itself cannot read/write/access, when SELinux was disabled, it worked, seems need some study to make power management works under SELinux, temporary workaround is to chmod 666 /dev/pmu.
4. Firewire didn't work, tried 3 times, once connected, it crashed with a kernel debugger like screen. I guessed it was due to the HFS+ partition for Mac OS X on the harddisk box, but it was not the reason, because there was no problem when using the internal harddisk's HFS+ partition. So the reason should be due to sbp2 driver or ohci1394 driver, fix it later.
Basically, under GNOME, all distribution (even OpenSolaris, FreeBSD) looks very similar, and that's very good.
But I still like slackware and gentoo more. :)
GAIM 2.0.0beta4 和 Songbird
GAIM 2.0.0-beta4 推出了,新版本的樣子變了一點,不過就比以前更好看,還有一個重要的功能,就是文字模式了!之後就可以在家中電腦執行 gaim,再 remote 入去控制了,去到邊用到邊。
Songbird 的 preview release 都出了,十分似 iTunes!! 試用中,希望可以sync到ipod就好了。
Songbird 的 preview release 都出了,十分似 iTunes!! 試用中,希望可以sync到ipod就好了。
上次修好了後車軩, 今日又去踩單車, 先去新墟幫前軩充氣, 果然, 兩條軩都充好氣之後, 踩都踩得快d!
今次又快左, 30幾分鐘就入到天水圍了, 去銀座行了一陣, 又踩去有叉用, 再去朗屏, 然後返屯門, 一路都踩得好快.
今次又快左, 30幾分鐘就入到天水圍了, 去銀座行了一陣, 又踩去有叉用, 再去朗屏, 然後返屯門, 一路都踩得好快.
今晚原本是諗住放工過旺角幫 Josephine 拿相片, 然後返屋企的.
下晝 Ken 提議去買 DS browser, 身為任天堂代言人, 我當然一齊去啦, 又順便約(引)埋 Angel
去買, 結果就無啦啦有晚餐+shopping了.
放工後坐火車到了旺角, 先到先施大廈拿相, 好快就找到了, 但該大廈原來好多"賓館"! 好在只係俾大陸旅客暫住的, 不是開房用... 好在沒有叫 Angel 來, 都好雜下!
拿相之後, Angel 已在先達等到發呆了. 齊人之後就上先達 shopping 啦!
原來周圍都冇 DS browser 賣, 唯有行下啦, 行行行, 好搞笑, 我地見到 Mario 野就發癲, 結果當然係買了野啦. Angel 買了點頭公仔扭蛋一套, 我就買了 Mario 水水玩具一套(8隻 $120).
買完野已經成9點了, 去了沙爹王食飯, 順便打下機...
Tetris 同 Club House Games 已經是大家必玩的遊戲了, 哈哈哈, 多人玩真係好正!
最後我們玩到10點半才回家, 好累呢.
下晝 Ken 提議去買 DS browser, 身為任天堂代言人, 我當然一齊去啦, 又順便約(引)埋 Angel
去買, 結果就無啦啦有晚餐+shopping了.
放工後坐火車到了旺角, 先到先施大廈拿相, 好快就找到了, 但該大廈原來好多"賓館"! 好在只係俾大陸旅客暫住的, 不是開房用... 好在沒有叫 Angel 來, 都好雜下!
拿相之後, Angel 已在先達等到發呆了. 齊人之後就上先達 shopping 啦!
原來周圍都冇 DS browser 賣, 唯有行下啦, 行行行, 好搞笑, 我地見到 Mario 野就發癲, 結果當然係買了野啦. Angel 買了點頭公仔扭蛋一套, 我就買了 Mario 水水玩具一套(8隻 $120).
買完野已經成9點了, 去了沙爹王食飯, 順便打下機...
Tetris 同 Club House Games 已經是大家必玩的遊戲了, 哈哈哈, 多人玩真係好正!
最後我們玩到10點半才回家, 好累呢.
幾好聽, 所以記低佢先!
方皓玟 - 全天候愛上
為了他 我穿上紅鞋
繽繽紛紛 世界照亮煙花與路牌
小小剪影 放大極陶醉 投入愛戀的心態
*亦舞擺 行入長的街
盡情賣 即刻對天留住你 全球歡呼都了解*
浪漫記錄 心愛主角沒有難度
動人時刻跑得快 留低溫馨走進夢間地帶
慢慢揭露 秘密裡喜歡你像狂盜
覓尋幸福的指數 憑感覺 綻放耀眼曙光#
為了他 愛高格名牌
胭脂掃找到 迷戀沒嬌裝 我越乖
穿梭花都 競逐艷陽去 全力愛高姿態
方皓玟 - 全天候愛上
為了他 我穿上紅鞋
繽繽紛紛 世界照亮煙花與路牌
小小剪影 放大極陶醉 投入愛戀的心態
*亦舞擺 行入長的街
盡情賣 即刻對天留住你 全球歡呼都了解*
浪漫記錄 心愛主角沒有難度
動人時刻跑得快 留低溫馨走進夢間地帶
慢慢揭露 秘密裡喜歡你像狂盜
覓尋幸福的指數 憑感覺 綻放耀眼曙光#
為了他 愛高格名牌
胭脂掃找到 迷戀沒嬌裝 我越乖
穿梭花都 競逐艷陽去 全力愛高姿態
今朝 10點幾, 王生打黎找人幫手, 佢的email check不到, 阿明不在, 我做.
11點左右, 有幾部機斷了 network, 唔知咩事, 過左一陣發覺係 hubs 死左
之後... Oldfield and Ken 佢地講, 唔知阿明會不會發夢見到d 野死晒火?
我話: 可能佢會"責"醒左, 打電話番黎問添!
點知...不足10 秒後, 我電話響!!!
竟然係 Anna打來問有冇咩事發生! (但佢係問出糧) 真神奇!
11點左右, 有幾部機斷了 network, 唔知咩事, 過左一陣發覺係 hubs 死左
之後... Oldfield and Ken 佢地講, 唔知阿明會不會發夢見到d 野死晒火?
我話: 可能佢會"責"醒左, 打電話番黎問添!
點知...不足10 秒後, 我電話響!!!
竟然係 Anna打來問有冇咩事發生! (但佢係問出糧) 真神奇!
由於阿媽去了大陸, 阿爸和阿妹返工, 今天一早起身(其實都10點了) 屋企得我一個, lunch 點算呢? 結果係自己去了吉之島行, 順便睇下games, 在置樂的M記食新的套餐, 好貴...
冇買games, 返屋企打下機, 等今晚的 BBQ.
阿媽大約4點左右回到屋企, 原來阿婆跌親斷了骨(老了, 跌一跌都好大件事), 大陸的pk醫生, 竟然要收2萬元手續費! 仲要係公立醫院... 據說要住一至兩星期醫院添呀. 仲話駁完未必行得番, 有冇搞x錯?!
晚上去了龍鼓灘 BBQ, 話就話在屯門, 我覺得去尖沙咀/天水圍好似仲快好多! 燒烤樂園好多食物呀, 食到好飽!
冇買games, 返屋企打下機, 等今晚的 BBQ.
阿媽大約4點左右回到屋企, 原來阿婆跌親斷了骨(老了, 跌一跌都好大件事), 大陸的pk醫生, 竟然要收2萬元手續費! 仲要係公立醫院... 據說要住一至兩星期醫院添呀. 仲話駁完未必行得番, 有冇搞x錯?!
晚上去了龍鼓灘 BBQ, 話就話在屯門, 我覺得去尖沙咀/天水圍好似仲快好多! 燒烤樂園好多食物呀, 食到好飽!
今日下晝接到阿媽的電話, 在大陸住的外婆跌親, 佢要返大陸睇佢, 今晚唔返香港.
晚上阿媽再call我話在醫院, 要明天先返來, 希望外婆冇事啦.
今晚同 Wendy 食飯, 打機, 她 Tetris 太勁了, 跟本不是她的手腳.
然後又看她表演, 可惜數十場對電腦全敗! 哈哈...
晚上阿媽再call我話在醫院, 要明天先返來, 希望外婆冇事啦.
今晚同 Wendy 食飯, 打機, 她 Tetris 太勁了, 跟本不是她的手腳.
然後又看她表演, 可惜數十場對電腦全敗! 哈哈...
阿明 Anna 大婚之喜
終於都擺酒喇, 都算係人月兩團圓呢!
今晚阿明和 Anna 在灣仔好彩酒樓擺酒, 請了好多即時的同事呢! 當然啦, 佢地由即時開始嘛.
而我就全部即時人都識呢! 所以就負責介紹新人舊人認識.
不過我就鐘意坐舊人的枱多啲, 因為... 有機打~ 哈哈!
今晚主要玩俄羅斯方塊, Angel 同 Wendy 都好勁... 唔得, 要再練練~!
今晚阿明和 Anna 在灣仔好彩酒樓擺酒, 請了好多即時的同事呢! 當然啦, 佢地由即時開始嘛.
而我就全部即時人都識呢! 所以就負責介紹新人舊人認識.
不過我就鐘意坐舊人的枱多啲, 因為... 有機打~ 哈哈!
今晚主要玩俄羅斯方塊, Angel 同 Wendy 都好勁... 唔得, 要再練練~!
Shopping @ 188
Tonight went to Wan chai 188 with Wendy to buy DS lite for Josephine.
Finally bought $1500 with DS lite pink color, 1G mini SD, supercard mini SD with rumble.
However it is NOT flashed, when I try it at home, so silly me.
But luckily I have PASSME2, finally, I flashed it myself...
I also flashed my 2nd hand DS with flashme v7, can use my newly bought DSLink, and also it supports 4 level brightness.
Finally bought $1500 with DS lite pink color, 1G mini SD, supercard mini SD with rumble.
However it is NOT flashed, when I try it at home, so silly me.
But luckily I have PASSME2, finally, I flashed it myself...
I also flashed my 2nd hand DS with flashme v7, can use my newly bought DSLink, and also it supports 4 level brightness.
My sister's PC was infected by some adware or spyware last night, seems related to mmsassist or something like that, it will hijack the system and randomly open Internet explorer to go to some website in mainland.
I found the infected files but once I deleted them, they will simply regenerated by some process, even in safe mode.
Tried until 1:00 am last night and cannot find good method to remove it. I decided to reinstall Windows tonight.
Link to information about mmsassist:
I found the infected files but once I deleted them, they will simply regenerated by some process, even in safe mode.
Tried until 1:00 am last night and cannot find good method to remove it. I decided to reinstall Windows tonight.
Link to information about mmsassist:
二手冰藍 NDS & 迷你南丫島海鮮團
XEN 3 working!
Finally made XEN working on my gentoo box.
For record:
1. emerge xen-sources
2. copy using kernel config to .config, then make oldconfig
3. make menuconfig and enable dom0 support, and those backend and frontend drivers
4. make the kernel and modules, install, reboot from that new kernel, but remember to edit grub.conf or menu.lst:
title Gentoo Linux (xen)
root (hd0,1)
kernel (hd0,1)/xen.gz dom0_mem=384M
module (hd0,1)/kernel-genkernel-x86-xen0- root=/dev/hda5 quiet
5. install xen utilities, start at bootup
6. get some distribution images to test :-)
7. make domU kernel and modules by the same kernel source, but remove dom0 support,
and those backend drivers
8. mount the distribution image, copy the kernel modules for domU into it
7. config the xend for network bridge in /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp:
(network-script network-bridge)
(vif-script vif-bridge)
8. remember to turn on ip forwarding in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
9. umount the distribution image
10. config the distribution config file, eg. for debian 3.1 image:
name = "debian.3-1"
memory = 128
vif = [ 'ip=' ]
kernel = "/xen-vm/kernels/boot/vmlinuz-"
disk = ['file:/xen-vm/debian.3-1.img,sda1,w', 'file:/xen-vm/debian.swap,sda2,w']root = "/dev/sda1 ro"
11. after all, reboot and enjoy :-)
For record:
1. emerge xen-sources
2. copy using kernel config to .config, then make oldconfig
3. make menuconfig and enable dom0 support, and those backend and frontend drivers
4. make the kernel and modules, install, reboot from that new kernel, but remember to edit grub.conf or menu.lst:
title Gentoo Linux (xen)
root (hd0,1)
kernel (hd0,1)/xen.gz dom0_mem=384M
module (hd0,1)/kernel-genkernel-x86-xen0- root=/dev/hda5 quiet
5. install xen utilities, start at bootup
6. get some distribution images to test :-)
7. make domU kernel and modules by the same kernel source, but remove dom0 support,
and those backend drivers
8. mount the distribution image, copy the kernel modules for domU into it
7. config the xend for network bridge in /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp:
(network-script network-bridge)
(vif-script vif-bridge)
8. remember to turn on ip forwarding in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
9. umount the distribution image
10. config the distribution config file, eg. for debian 3.1 image:
name = "debian.3-1"
memory = 128
vif = [ 'ip=' ]
kernel = "/xen-vm/kernels/boot/vmlinuz-"
disk = ['file:/xen-vm/debian.3-1.img,sda1,w', 'file:/xen-vm/debian.swap,sda2,w']root = "/dev/sda1 ro"
11. after all, reboot and enjoy :-)
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