這個星期比較清閒,試用了很多新產品,包括 Fedora 13 beta,RHEL 6 beta, Ubuntu 10.04 和 Nokia N900.
當晚有十多個朋友出席,由 NOKIA 的代表介紹 N900 這台將於五月開始公開發售的新手機。
1. 很像電腦,有點像 Tablet 或者 Netbook 的功能,特別是看辦公室檔案、或者打筆記時
2. 觸摸屏反應算好,不過有時候用手指按比較細少的畫面按鍵時,手指頭大的人,要小心按才按中,幸好N900有筆可以用,即時準了很多
3. Flash支援正常,至少去看網頁不會有什麼缺失,Youtube 可以直接播網頁版,全畫面都可以。
4. 多媒體表現中上,裡面播放器大約基於mplayer,加上硬件上有OpenGL,軟件上有很多codec支援,看片不會一窒一窒的。
5. 拍照功能很好,感覺像在用小相機,自動對焦、微距、補光都幾好,雖然不及上千萬像素的相機,不過用來做Blog,上facebook也足夠了。
6. 中文支援度不用多說,常用的輸入法都有,不懂輸入法的話,還可以用蒙恬的手寫輸入,基本上不用寫得很整齊都可以。
7. 手機功能就沒有試了,因為...演示機没插 SIM...
智器 Q5 維修
去年在淘寶買的智器 Q5 壞掉了內置閃存,本來不打算寄回去大陸維修了。
不過這幾天在網上閒逛,竟然發現香港有店子在售賣Q5,而且有維修服務,於是我便寄電郵去問一下了,結果是要給 150元檢查費另外加材料費。
今天晚上有空,而且原本也要去旺角的衛訊中心看 N900介紹,就拿了去維修了,希望可以維修好吧,用來當 PMP 或電子書也不錯!
不過這幾天在網上閒逛,竟然發現香港有店子在售賣Q5,而且有維修服務,於是我便寄電郵去問一下了,結果是要給 150元檢查費另外加材料費。
今天晚上有空,而且原本也要去旺角的衛訊中心看 N900介紹,就拿了去維修了,希望可以維修好吧,用來當 PMP 或電子書也不錯!
因為一個客戶的重要系統出現問題,而系統又需要安排才能做測試,結果上星期六就要上班了,拿到了10GB 的數據,要上載到公司的在美國的伺服器,結果用了差不多兩天才能完成。
Fedora 12 based root filesystem for MIPS built
I've joined Fedora MIPS project in order to build a Fedora system for MIPS architecture (MIPS-3 N32 ABI)
After weeks of rebuilding and patching, a minimal root filesysterm has been built, which is runnable in both Loongson 2f box natively or in a QEMU MIPS virtual machine.
Originally I built the packages using Loongson-2F optimization but after discussion with other developers, seems MIPS-3 is better and it can support more machine types, not just Loongson-2F, so I have to rebuild all the packages I've built, and it is still underway, like GNOME desktop packages.
Hope it will be finished before May.
And now I am always discussing with others in IRC #fedora-mips and #mipslinux, our wish is to push MIPS to Fedora secondary architecture, so next step will be pushing our patches to Fedora upstream, hope we can have MIPS version of Fedora 14 officially.
After weeks of rebuilding and patching, a minimal root filesysterm has been built, which is runnable in both Loongson 2f box natively or in a QEMU MIPS virtual machine.
Originally I built the packages using Loongson-2F optimization but after discussion with other developers, seems MIPS-3 is better and it can support more machine types, not just Loongson-2F, so I have to rebuild all the packages I've built, and it is still underway, like GNOME desktop packages.
Hope it will be finished before May.
And now I am always discussing with others in IRC #fedora-mips and #mipslinux, our wish is to push MIPS to Fedora secondary architecture, so next step will be pushing our patches to Fedora upstream, hope we can have MIPS version of Fedora 14 officially.
[轉載自 http://www.hk-doctor.com]
Copyright(c). Best Sense Development Ltd.
[轉載自 http://www.hk-doctor.com]
- 正確名稱是蕁麻疹,俗稱風癩,又稱為風疹。
- 體液從皮膚的血管滲出,聚集在皮膚及皮下組織內,引起局部腫脹的現象。皮膚很像被蕁麻刺傷一樣,所以稱為蕁麻疹。
- 徵狀
- 患處皮膚蒼白腫脹,周圍有一圈的紅色蕁麻疹塊,可在身體任何部分出現,大小不一,由小丘疹到直徑達數吋的大疹塊都有。
- 極之痕癢,尤其是手指間和頸。
- 蕁麻疹塊也可在皮膚上的抓痕或壓痕處出現,因此可以在敏感的皮膚上劃出花紋來。
- 個別的風疹塊退了,但身體其他部位可能又出現新的疹塊---所以謂之「風」。通常跟吹風無關。
- 嚴重發作的風疹塊在消除誘因後,仍可繼續出現數天,甚至二、三週之久。
- 慢性蕁麻疹如果找不到誘因,可反覆發作,持續數年之久。
- 成因一般是受敏感原的刺激而身體作出強烈反應。敏感原因人而異,可以是:
- 食物:蛋類、堅果類、巧克力、乾酪、魚、貝類
- 藥物或藥物加添劑:阿斯匹林、青黴素和其他抗生素等藥物
- 有些蕁麻疹的成因未明。
- 蕁麻疹和神經過敏或精神緊張并無明顯關聯。
- 在敏感的人的皮膚上用力劃痕,三到四小時後會出現風疹塊,可持續二十四小時。
- 併發病:口腔、舌頭或喉部腫脹,有時可妨礙呼吸。文刻看醫生或到忍症室。
- 面部及四肢的風疹塊特別嚴重,可繼發遇敏性水腫。
- 無需用冰糖和芫茜或其他東西洗澡,並無療效。
- 詳細記下發作前吃過的食物或藥物,如果再次發作,這些記錄有助找出成因。
- 何時去看醫生
- 如患處奇癢難忍或嚴重腫脹。
- 如口腔或舌頭腫脹,或胸部有繃緊感。如果出現呼吸困難,醫生可能注射腎上腺素。
- 藥物治療: 看醫生,服食抗組織胺劑。不同的人要服不同的抗組織胺劑。嚴重時可能再給患者服食皮質類固醇藥片。
- 除非找到成因,盡可能規避,否則無法預防。
Copyright(c). Best Sense Development Ltd.
How to check ISP's MTU value
In order to set the correct (optimal) value of MTU on PPPoE, we can find out the MTU value of our ISP by ping command with fixed length:

Command parameters:
-M hint
Select Path MTU Discovery strategy. hint may be either do (prohibit fragmentation, even local one), want (do PMTU discovery, fragment locally when packet size is large), or dont (do not set DF flag).
-c count
Stop after sending count ECHO_REQUEST packets.
With deadline option, ping waits for count ECHO_REPLY packets, until the timeout expires.
-s packetsize
Specifies the number of data bytes to be sent. The default is 56, which translates into 64 ICMP data bytes when combined with the 8 bytes of ICMP header data.
In my case, it shows that when the packet size is equals to or over 1440, it can't be sent without fragmentation, so MTU should be around 1420-1440.

After some tests, the ISP MTU is 1432, but in order to set it on router, we need to add 28 (data header size), so the optimal MTU is 1432+28 = 1460 on WAN size on router.

Command parameters:
-M hint
Select Path MTU Discovery strategy. hint may be either do (prohibit fragmentation, even local one), want (do PMTU discovery, fragment locally when packet size is large), or dont (do not set DF flag).
-c count
Stop after sending count ECHO_REQUEST packets.
With deadline option, ping waits for count ECHO_REPLY packets, until the timeout expires.
-s packetsize
Specifies the number of data bytes to be sent. The default is 56, which translates into 64 ICMP data bytes when combined with the 8 bytes of ICMP header data.
In my case, it shows that when the packet size is equals to or over 1440, it can't be sent without fragmentation, so MTU should be around 1420-1440.

After some tests, the ISP MTU is 1432, but in order to set it on router, we need to add 28 (data header size), so the optimal MTU is 1432+28 = 1460 on WAN size on router.
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