Today is my Hong Kong boss last day in company, and also the Beijing boss came to Hong Kong for handover and some meetings.
So we have activities to farewell HK boss and welcome BJ boss.
For farewell we went to Karaoke in CEO, and for welcome we went to happy valley to have seafood dinner, both nice!
今晚和Gi & FK 去了睇剛上映的 "窺兇殺人", 改編自希治閣的"後窗", 由變型金剛的傻仔男主角主演, 故事好簡單, 講一個犯了事被軟禁家中不能外出的少年, 因為太悶, 偷窺附近的鄰居, 最後竟發現了連環殺手, 差點被殺, 幸好大命(一定啦, 男主角) 結果殺死了該罪犯, 還得到鄰居少女的歡心! 正所謂又食又拎!
推廣 Linux 時的言行守則
[From CLDP]
請記得你代表了 Linux 網路社會的一份子, 因此在 mailing list 或 newsgroup 中發言時, 請保持專業風度。避免使用粗鄙的言語及不雅的稱謂 (譯註: 例如用鄙夷的字眼稱呼意見不同的人或自己不滿意的公司產品等等) 想像你自己是 Linux 虛擬企業公司的一員, 而 Linux 核心作者 Torvalds 先生是你的總裁。你說的話會左右 Linux 網路社會在一般讀者心目中的形象。
* 不要過分吹噓 Linux 的好處, 下誇張不實的結論。這麼做不但有失專業風度, 而且會招惹來無謂的爭辯。
* 在網路上看到文章時, 請深思熟慮之後才做回應。有深度, 條理清晰的文章不僅可以讓你的讀者獲益良多, 也會令他們更敬重你的學識能力。
* 千萬不要去咬 ``筆戰誘餌'' (flame-bait)。有太多的討論到最後都落入 ``我用的作業系統比你的好'' 這樣的俗套。我們只要不卑不亢地把 Linux 能做的事描述清楚就好了, 不必再多說些甚麼。
* 切記如果你說了些傷人或羞辱人的話, 他們這些不愉快的經驗可能會一傳十, 十傳百。 因此萬一要是你的話真的惹惱了誰, 請一定要想辦法補救。
* 強調 Linux 的功能與優點就好, 不需要去詆毀其他的系統。我們這份產品的品質就是它自己最佳的廣告材料。
* 請尊重其他作業系統。 雖然 Linux 功能強大, 並不見得適合每一個人使用。
* 請以正式的名稱來稱呼其他產品。 用一些所謂 ``有創意的拼法'' 來消遣某些公司或他們的產品對於推廣 Linux 並無助益。如果我們希望別人尊重 Linux, 我們也應該尊重其他產品。
* 銘謝或推崇軟體與文件的作者時, 應盡力避免張冠李戴。 Linux 只是核心部份而已。 如果沒有 GNU 計劃, 麻省理工學院, 柏克萊以及其他許多人的貢獻, 一般使用者並不能真的直接使用 Linux 核心。
* 不要一口咬定 Linux 是解決某一個問題的唯一答案。正因為 Linux 網路社會珍惜 Linux 帶給我們的自由, 我們也更應該尊重其他人選擇的自由。
* 總會有 Linux 無法解決問題的情況, 這個時候應該要主動認清事實, 而且提出替代方案。
請記得你代表了 Linux 網路社會的一份子, 因此在 mailing list 或 newsgroup 中發言時, 請保持專業風度。避免使用粗鄙的言語及不雅的稱謂 (譯註: 例如用鄙夷的字眼稱呼意見不同的人或自己不滿意的公司產品等等) 想像你自己是 Linux 虛擬企業公司的一員, 而 Linux 核心作者 Torvalds 先生是你的總裁。你說的話會左右 Linux 網路社會在一般讀者心目中的形象。
* 不要過分吹噓 Linux 的好處, 下誇張不實的結論。這麼做不但有失專業風度, 而且會招惹來無謂的爭辯。
* 在網路上看到文章時, 請深思熟慮之後才做回應。有深度, 條理清晰的文章不僅可以讓你的讀者獲益良多, 也會令他們更敬重你的學識能力。
* 千萬不要去咬 ``筆戰誘餌'' (flame-bait)。有太多的討論到最後都落入 ``我用的作業系統比你的好'' 這樣的俗套。我們只要不卑不亢地把 Linux 能做的事描述清楚就好了, 不必再多說些甚麼。
* 切記如果你說了些傷人或羞辱人的話, 他們這些不愉快的經驗可能會一傳十, 十傳百。 因此萬一要是你的話真的惹惱了誰, 請一定要想辦法補救。
* 強調 Linux 的功能與優點就好, 不需要去詆毀其他的系統。我們這份產品的品質就是它自己最佳的廣告材料。
* 請尊重其他作業系統。 雖然 Linux 功能強大, 並不見得適合每一個人使用。
* 請以正式的名稱來稱呼其他產品。 用一些所謂 ``有創意的拼法'' 來消遣某些公司或他們的產品對於推廣 Linux 並無助益。如果我們希望別人尊重 Linux, 我們也應該尊重其他產品。
* 銘謝或推崇軟體與文件的作者時, 應盡力避免張冠李戴。 Linux 只是核心部份而已。 如果沒有 GNU 計劃, 麻省理工學院, 柏克萊以及其他許多人的貢獻, 一般使用者並不能真的直接使用 Linux 核心。
* 不要一口咬定 Linux 是解決某一個問題的唯一答案。正因為 Linux 網路社會珍惜 Linux 帶給我們的自由, 我們也更應該尊重其他人選擇的自由。
* 總會有 Linux 無法解決問題的情況, 這個時候應該要主動認清事實, 而且提出替代方案。
CF to IDE adapter
Today I bought a CF to IDE adapter, in order to boot my computer from a CF card, why do so? The reason is complicated:
1. My computer only got IDE on board controller, I inserted a PCI SATA adapter
2. The BIOS cannot boot the computer from the SATA adapter
3. I was using IDE hard disk before, and now I got a SATA hard disk
4. I can move all data from the IDE hard disk to the SATA hard disk, but according to (2), it cannot boot
5. According to (1), I cannot use 2 hard disks on my computer
6. In conclusion, I need to find something to boot and then mount the SATA hard disk
7. CF to IDE adapter only costs $35 and it is bootable, so I decided to install a boot loader on a CF card and boot from it
Now I am still doing the data migration, afterward I can try boot it up.
1. My computer only got IDE on board controller, I inserted a PCI SATA adapter
2. The BIOS cannot boot the computer from the SATA adapter
3. I was using IDE hard disk before, and now I got a SATA hard disk
4. I can move all data from the IDE hard disk to the SATA hard disk, but according to (2), it cannot boot
5. According to (1), I cannot use 2 hard disks on my computer
6. In conclusion, I need to find something to boot and then mount the SATA hard disk
7. CF to IDE adapter only costs $35 and it is bootable, so I decided to install a boot loader on a CF card and boot from it
Now I am still doing the data migration, afterward I can try boot it up.
記得10幾年前上網還未流行, 歌曲CD $100 隻 都好多人買, 正版 game 都要成200蚊隻,
之後出左d 翻版game帶, 磁碟, 30蚊隻翻版 CD, 搞到正版games/CD少好多人買,
到上網流行, 什至連翻版CD/翻版games都冇得撈了...
翻版越來越易得到, 人就越來越唔珍惜歌/games了, 正版? 明明是正確的行為, 現在
被視為"有錢人"的行為, "傻仔" 的行為...
記得10幾年前上網還未流行, 歌曲CD $100 隻 都好多人買, 正版 game 都要成200蚊隻,
之後出左d 翻版game帶, 磁碟, 30蚊隻翻版 CD, 搞到正版games/CD少好多人買,
到上網流行, 什至連翻版CD/翻版games都冇得撈了...
翻版越來越易得到, 人就越來越唔珍惜歌/games了, 正版? 明明是正確的行為, 現在
被視為"有錢人"的行為, "傻仔" 的行為...
OpenSuSE 10.2 on iBook
As Debian looks quite boring and ... outdated in package list, I would like to reinstall the Linux on my iBook.
I've tried Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo on it, originally I want to try YellowDog, but cannot download for a whole night, so I switched to download OpenSuSE, see if it is good.
After downloading the 3.7 GB DVD image, burnt and tested, oops, the DVD cannot boot on my iBook, strange, after several trials, I decided to download the network install CD (88MB in size) and use network to install from the DVD.
But the network installation is very slow, and I found that I can choose media instead of network in installation source, so I use network install CD to boot and change to the burnt DVD, and it worked!
Now updating the whole system, should be finished in half hour.
I've tried Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo on it, originally I want to try YellowDog, but cannot download for a whole night, so I switched to download OpenSuSE, see if it is good.
After downloading the 3.7 GB DVD image, burnt and tested, oops, the DVD cannot boot on my iBook, strange, after several trials, I decided to download the network install CD (88MB in size) and use network to install from the DVD.
But the network installation is very slow, and I found that I can choose media instead of network in installation source, so I use network install CD to boot and change to the burnt DVD, and it worked!
Now updating the whole system, should be finished in half hour.
New game - Slide Adventure: Mag Kid
After 2 rounds of chemotherapy, father's lung cancer treatment has some progress.
1. The main cancer tissue collapsed from 3.x cm in diameter to 1.x cm in diameter, ie. 3/4 of the cell killed in 2 rounds.
2. There are some small spots of cancer tissue on the opposite side of lung, now there is none.
3. The white blood cell in his blood is still OK for next round of chemotherapy, which according to the doctor, is due to healthy body.
Of course, still need to keep the therapy until the tissue is small enough in order to do radioactive-therapy, which will kill most of the cancer cell at one time.
Anyway, it is still a good news.
1. The main cancer tissue collapsed from 3.x cm in diameter to 1.x cm in diameter, ie. 3/4 of the cell killed in 2 rounds.
2. There are some small spots of cancer tissue on the opposite side of lung, now there is none.
3. The white blood cell in his blood is still OK for next round of chemotherapy, which according to the doctor, is due to healthy body.
Of course, still need to keep the therapy until the tissue is small enough in order to do radioactive-therapy, which will kill most of the cancer cell at one time.
Anyway, it is still a good news.
Horrible China Airline...
[轉自 ETtoday]
華航在20日一架波音737-800型編號CI-120客機,由桃園國際機場飛往琉球那霸機場,在飛機降落後在滑行時,由於地勤人員發現飛機上出現著火情 形,華航依照作業程序,立即疏散乘客及機組人員,包括157名旅客與8名機組員都平安逃離飛機,華航已在下午由總經理趙國帥前往琉球做相關事件的後續處 理。
華航公關處長孫鴻文表示,今(20)日上午8:15起飛,由桃園飛往琉球那霸機場的飛機,所使用的機型為2002年7月採購的波音737-800機型,機 齡為5年,目前華航共有相同機型12架,一架飛機約為7~8千萬美金。搭載乘客包括8位商務艙、147位經濟艙乘客、2位小孩,總共有157名乘客,而機 組人員為2位機長、6位空服員,全部共165名。
根據外電新聞以及搭乘這架飛機的旅客陳述表示,這架飛機在降落時機長已經透過廣播表示,飛機出現狀況,在停好飛機時需要做緊急的疏散下飛機,而多 位旅客也都表示,降落時曾看到飛機在冒煙。不過華航表示,飛機是在降落於滑行期間,由地勤人員看到飛機正在起火,因而通知機長,機長立刻做緊急的疏散處 理,並以滑梯下滑的方式到停機坪來做疏散。
華航在20日一架波音737-800型編號CI-120客機,由桃園國際機場飛往琉球那霸機場,在飛機降落後在滑行時,由於地勤人員發現飛機上出現著火情 形,華航依照作業程序,立即疏散乘客及機組人員,包括157名旅客與8名機組員都平安逃離飛機,華航已在下午由總經理趙國帥前往琉球做相關事件的後續處 理。
華航公關處長孫鴻文表示,今(20)日上午8:15起飛,由桃園飛往琉球那霸機場的飛機,所使用的機型為2002年7月採購的波音737-800機型,機 齡為5年,目前華航共有相同機型12架,一架飛機約為7~8千萬美金。搭載乘客包括8位商務艙、147位經濟艙乘客、2位小孩,總共有157名乘客,而機 組人員為2位機長、6位空服員,全部共165名。
根據外電新聞以及搭乘這架飛機的旅客陳述表示,這架飛機在降落時機長已經透過廣播表示,飛機出現狀況,在停好飛機時需要做緊急的疏散下飛機,而多 位旅客也都表示,降落時曾看到飛機在冒煙。不過華航表示,飛機是在降落於滑行期間,由地勤人員看到飛機正在起火,因而通知機長,機長立刻做緊急的疏散處 理,並以滑梯下滑的方式到停機坪來做疏散。
Thinkpad T60 CPU changed
Change Thinkpad CPU DIY:
1. Remove screws on the back for keyboard, wrist rest and touch pad.
2. Remove wrist rest and touch pad, remember to detach the cable under the touch pad.
3. Move away the keyboard, no need to detach if you are brave enough, just move it a bit, so that you can touch the thing under keyboard.
4. Remove the cover of wireless antenna.
5. Remove screws for CPU fan and move it a bit to see the CPU.
6. Turn the screws for CPU lock 180" to release the CPU.
7. Change it and undo the above steps.
I changed the CPU on T60 myself, now it changed from T2400 to T7600, speed boost and got 64bit mode enabled.
Forgotten to take pictures!
1. Remove screws on the back for keyboard, wrist rest and touch pad.
2. Remove wrist rest and touch pad, remember to detach the cable under the touch pad.
3. Move away the keyboard, no need to detach if you are brave enough, just move it a bit, so that you can touch the thing under keyboard.
4. Remove the cover of wireless antenna.
5. Remove screws for CPU fan and move it a bit to see the CPU.
6. Turn the screws for CPU lock 180" to release the CPU.
7. Change it and undo the above steps.
I changed the CPU on T60 myself, now it changed from T2400 to T7600, speed boost and got 64bit mode enabled.
Forgotten to take pictures!
Last day in Taiwan
今朝晏左少少起身, 9點鐘就 check out 了, 總共$11,xxx 台幣, 都算幾貴~
返到公司休息一陣, 就去 Bestcom 做少少 presentation, 因為好近, 所以 11點幾就返公司了.
在公司附近食個 quick lunch 就要跟台灣的同事們分別了.
個幾鐘頭的飛機, 就返到香港了, 香港天氣不好, 落大雨...
總括而言, 台北是好地方, 比北京好好多!
返到公司休息一陣, 就去 Bestcom 做少少 presentation, 因為好近, 所以 11點幾就返公司了.
在公司附近食個 quick lunch 就要跟台灣的同事們分別了.
個幾鐘頭的飛機, 就返到香港了, 香港天氣不好, 落大雨...
總括而言, 台北是好地方, 比北京好好多!
Taipei at night
食完飯之後去咗士林夜市行下。我記得四年前左右嚟過台北,跟團嚟,去過士林,今次再去,有少少唔同咗,多咗好多可以玩嘅嘢,幾好呀。我仲認到其中一啲地方添!例如 city jungle,呢度有啲似香港嘅女人街或者廟街一帶咁,都幾熱鬧!
食完飯之後去咗士林夜市行下。我記得四年前左右嚟過台北,跟團嚟,去過士林,今次再去,有少少唔同咗,多咗好多可以玩嘅嘢,幾好呀。我仲認到其中一啲地方添!例如 city jungle,呢度有啲似香港嘅女人街或者廟街一帶咁,都幾熱鬧!
Taiwan Seminar
今日下晝公司搞 seminar, 其中一部分係我講的,冇錯,係講國語!
一小時的 presentation 同埋 demo, 好緊張刺激,原本諗住講英文的,不過好似好古怪咁,都係用中文好了。
今晚可以輕鬆一下了!不過明天還有一個小小的 presentation, 但只係對 partner, 易好多。
一小時的 presentation 同埋 demo, 好緊張刺激,原本諗住講英文的,不過好似好古怪咁,都係用中文好了。
今晚可以輕鬆一下了!不過明天還有一個小小的 presentation, 但只係對 partner, 易好多。
Second day in Taiwan
Today after I went to eat the famous 牛肉面,and then went to have meeting with TSMC (台積電) in 新竹。
We took the latest railway, Taiwan High Speed Rail (高鐵) to 新竹, very like Yuen Long, nearly nothing there, just some fields and pools.
On the meeting I need to present in Mandarin, so hard for me, I was not sure that they understand what I say or not, but looks like they are more puzzling than me...
After the meeting it was already 6:30pm and someone drove us to the rail station and we back to Taipei station to had a quick dinner there, and now I am resting in hotel.
Tomorrow there will be a session for me, so excited.
We took the latest railway, Taiwan High Speed Rail (高鐵) to 新竹, very like Yuen Long, nearly nothing there, just some fields and pools.
On the meeting I need to present in Mandarin, so hard for me, I was not sure that they understand what I say or not, but looks like they are more puzzling than me...
After the meeting it was already 6:30pm and someone drove us to the rail station and we back to Taipei station to had a quick dinner there, and now I am resting in hotel.
Tomorrow there will be a session for me, so excited.
Les Suite Taipei
今天早上自己從飯店坐捷運回公司,飯店在忠孝復興站,公司在西門站,只有5個車站,不過要轉車,結果... 一上車就上錯方向了,幸好另一方向下一個站便是總站,最後終於一個人走了回公司,很有成功感~
今天早上自己從飯店坐捷運回公司,飯店在忠孝復興站,公司在西門站,只有5個車站,不過要轉車,結果... 一上車就上錯方向了,幸好另一方向下一個站便是總站,最後終於一個人走了回公司,很有成功感~
First day in Taipei
釣釣下魚,突然 Toilet 門口個燈罩甩左,跌左落佢側邊,嚇到佢彈起身,佢仲問我有冇嚇親,我估佢嚇親就真,哈哈...
公司環境不錯,雖然細細間,但因為係 Business Center,配套好好。
住在“台北商旅”,個樣好有氣派~ 希望真係咁啦。
釣釣下魚,突然 Toilet 門口個燈罩甩左,跌左落佢側邊,嚇到佢彈起身,佢仲問我有冇嚇親,我估佢嚇親就真,哈哈...
公司環境不錯,雖然細細間,但因為係 Business Center,配套好好。
住在“台北商旅”,個樣好有氣派~ 希望真係咁啦。
Typhoon in a sudden
Simpson movie
其實之前一直都冇睇過 Simpson 的卡通片, 不過老友叫到, 今晚去了睇 Simpson 大電影, 中文版, 由頭笑到尾, 全場d人都好大聲笑!
不過套戲都有少少溫情位, 有少少意義咁啦...
出戲院好好好大雨, 返到屋企竟然乜雨都冇, 激死.
不過套戲都有少少溫情位, 有少少意義咁啦...
出戲院好好好大雨, 返到屋企竟然乜雨都冇, 激死.
New iMac
This morning a lady sitting next to me was having her breakfast on bus, and finished before departure, as the journey is nearly an hour, I don't want her to carry the empty bags all the way, so I offered to help her to throw litter (luckily there is rubbish bin on estate bus).
Nothing happened during the journey, but...
Finally I got off at 鵝頸橋, and she should got off next stop at SOGO, the last stop. On the way to office, I was thinking it is too good if she was the new comer in the company on my floor, as I knew there will be a new one.
When I was still thinking, or dreaming, suddenly I found that the lady was on the opposite side of the traffic light, waiting for green light, unbelievable.
Of course, nothing happened after that too, haha...
Nothing happened during the journey, but...
Finally I got off at 鵝頸橋, and she should got off next stop at SOGO, the last stop. On the way to office, I was thinking it is too good if she was the new comer in the company on my floor, as I knew there will be a new one.
When I was still thinking, or dreaming, suddenly I found that the lady was on the opposite side of the traffic light, waiting for green light, unbelievable.
Of course, nothing happened after that too, haha...
Firewall using iptables
節錄自 Jamyy'w Weblog
iptables limit 參數備忘
限制前, 可正常每 0.2 秒 ping 一次
ping your.linux.ip -i 0.2
限制每秒只接受一個 icmp echo-request 封包
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP
--limit 1/s 表示每秒一次; 1/m 則為每分鐘一次
--limit-burst 表示允許觸發 limit 限制的最大次數 (預設 5)
再以每 0.2 秒 ping 一次, 得到的回應是每秒一次
ping your.linux.ip -i 0.2
限制 ssh 連入頻率
建立自訂 Chain, 限制 tcp 連線每分鐘一次, 超過者觸發 Log 記錄 (記錄在 /var/log/messages)
iptables -N ratelimit
iptables -A ratelimit -p tcp -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A ratelimit -p tcp --syn -m limit --limit 1/m --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A ratelimit -p tcp -j LOG --log-level "NOTICE" --log-prefix "[RATELIMIT]"
iptables -A ratelimit -p tcp -j DROP
引用自訂 Chain, 限制 ssh (tcp port 22) 連入頻率
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -s -j ACCEPT (特定 IP 來源不受限制)
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ratelimit
iptables -N pinglimit
iptables -A pinglimit -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A pinglimit -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j pinglimit
亦可達到每秒只接受一個 echo-request 封包
防治 SYN-Flood 碎片攻擊
iptables -N syn-flood
iptables -A syn-flood -m limit --limit 100/s --limit-burst 150 -j RETURN
iptables -A syn-flood -j DROP
iptables -I INPUT -j syn-flood
tar -zxf naptha-1.1.tgz
rpmbuild --recompile libnet-1.0.1b-1.src.rpm
cp -r /var/tmp/libnet-buildroot/usr/* /usr/local/
cd naptha-1.1
./synsend 80 0.1
若成功抵擋, 不久後會出現 Can't send packet!: Operation not permitted 的訊息
iptables limit 參數備忘
- 限制特定封包傳入速度
- 限制特定埠口連入頻率
- 防治 SYN-Flood 碎片攻擊
限制前, 可正常每 0.2 秒 ping 一次
ping your.linux.ip -i 0.2
限制每秒只接受一個 icmp echo-request 封包
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP
--limit 1/s 表示每秒一次; 1/m 則為每分鐘一次
--limit-burst 表示允許觸發 limit 限制的最大次數 (預設 5)
再以每 0.2 秒 ping 一次, 得到的回應是每秒一次
ping your.linux.ip -i 0.2
限制 ssh 連入頻率
建立自訂 Chain, 限制 tcp 連線每分鐘一次, 超過者觸發 Log 記錄 (記錄在 /var/log/messages)
iptables -N ratelimit
iptables -A ratelimit -p tcp -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A ratelimit -p tcp --syn -m limit --limit 1/m --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A ratelimit -p tcp -j LOG --log-level "NOTICE" --log-prefix "[RATELIMIT]"
iptables -A ratelimit -p tcp -j DROP
引用自訂 Chain, 限制 ssh (tcp port 22) 連入頻率
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -s -j ACCEPT (特定 IP 來源不受限制)
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ratelimit
iptables -N pinglimit
iptables -A pinglimit -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A pinglimit -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j pinglimit
亦可達到每秒只接受一個 echo-request 封包
防治 SYN-Flood 碎片攻擊
iptables -N syn-flood
iptables -A syn-flood -m limit --limit 100/s --limit-burst 150 -j RETURN
iptables -A syn-flood -j DROP
iptables -I INPUT -j syn-flood
tar -zxf naptha-1.1.tgz
rpmbuild --recompile libnet-1.0.1b-1.src.rpm
cp -r /var/tmp/libnet-buildroot/usr/* /usr/local/
cd naptha-1.1
./synsend 80 0.1
若成功抵擋, 不久後會出現 Can't send packet!: Operation not permitted 的訊息
Blade server first touch
One day in HKPC
文章 (Atom)